ESportsBattle | Ice Hockey: modes, rules, requirements
Cyber hockey(eicehockey) is a simulator of computer hockey matches. Sometimes fans of sports disciplines get confused in definitions, so it is important to separate: eicehockey is a cyber direction for real players in the form of a computer game. Eicehockey matches are spectacular and thrilling events, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of battle on the ice field.

Cyber hockey in details: basic rules, platforms and applications for the game, leagues
The most popular variant of eicehockey is called the NHL competition simulations created by the popular game developer Electronic Arts.
Until 2009, NHL fans could play through computers and consoles, but already in 2010, only PlayStation and Xbox owners got access to the EA Sports simulator. The most popular product is esports hockey based on the NHL20 simulator. The current version is NHL21, which was released on October 16, 2020 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to critics, more realistic player movements can be distinguished from the changes.
According to the basic rules of eicehockey competition, players can be penalized for the following violations:
- refusal to confirm the result of the cyberhockey match in the absence of compelling reasons;
- lack of confirmation of the results within 24 hours after the download of the eicehockey match;
- deliberate withdrawal from the game during a match;
- insults or unfounded accusations against the project participants;
- disrespectful attitude towards the administration, site or project participants.
Players may also be removed from participation in an eicehockey tournament, for example, due to the use of several game accounts on the site from one computer.
Eicehockey tournaments
Similar to traditional ice hockey competitions, cyber hockey is based on the competition for the most respected ice hockey tournament — the Stanley Cup. Teams of the National League take part, as well as world teams. ESportsBattle tournaments allow the development and popularization of cyber hockey. Participants in eicehockey competitions can improve their sportsmanship.
Thanks to the online broadcasts of cyber hockey, the interest in the direction is also increasing among the Internet audience.
ESportsBattle are fast-paced cyber hockey tournaments. The organizers determine the possibility of taking part in the tournament. Fans of the discipline can appreciate the high quality of the 20 days and night series of eicehockey tournaments.
In an ESportsBattle tournament, each participant receives one team for the entire tournament. Each tournament is attended by 4 or 5 esportsmen. Participants fight among themselves.
In the context of the product of the Ukrainian platform ESportsBattle, there is a Master Cup (Ultimate Team) game mode.